Summer Open House! Join the Charlevoix Chamber of Commerce, downtown merchants & Charlevoix Cultural Corridor to welcome back summer!
Activities at the following locations include:
DOWNTOWN: Live music, great deals, and prizes at local shops & restaurants.
CIRCLE OF ARTS: Take part in family friendly art activities, see artist demonstrations, play lawn games, enjoy refreshments, and view Charlevoix Photography Club’s 14th Annual Exhibition: Pure Northern Michigan. 109 Clinton St.
HISTORICAL SOCIETY: This year marks the 75th Anniversary of our beloved lighthouse! Purchase 75th anniversary decals and find discounts on lighthouse apparel. The museum will be in the process of installing a new exhibit on Charlevoix's rich maritime history, but we encourage all to stop by during the installation. 103 State St.
PUBLIC LIBRARY: Juggler, entertainer and multiple world record holder Tommy Tropic will wow you as you munch on free hotdogs from Charlevoix Kiwanis Club from 5-6:30pm. 220 Clinton St.