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Documenting Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes, with special guest Chris Roxburgh

305 Chicago Ave.,
Charlevoix, MI 49720
(231) 547-0373

Documenting Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes, with special guest 
Chris Roxburgh"
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 @ 7pm
Charlevoix Train Depot
305 Chicago Ave.
Chris Roxburgh will be sharing his photos and historical information on the shipwrecks of the Great Lakes. Come and hear about Chris’s diving stories and see the most preserved wooden shipwrecks in the world.

Chris is a renowned underwater photographer and author, and has gained widespread recognition for his exceptional work capturing shipwrecks in the Great Lakes region. His remarkable photography and environmental efforts have been featured on local and national news platforms multiple times. He is the author of the highly acclaimed hardcover nonfiction book “Leelanau Underwater,” which has become the top-selling book in Northern Michigan. Chris’s impressive work has been featured in several prominent publications, including the History Channel, Outside magazine, and The Smithsonian, among others, as he continues to document shipwrecks throughout the Great Lakes region. In addition to his artistic accomplishments, he is actively working to raise awareness about the growing problem of plastics pollution in the Great Lakes, and he is a passionate advocate for preserving and protecting our precious waters.


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