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Classes for the Masses

Charlevoix, East Jordan, and Boyne City are hosting fun classes throughout the winter months. Winter is the perfect time to get out and learn some new skills. We’ve compiled a list classes of taking place in the next couple of weeks:

1.Cooking Classes at That French Place
During the winter months, That French Place is hosting cooking classes. With a variety of fun classes, participants get the opportunity to try their luck at crepe making, Cajun cooking, and homemade ice cream. These hands-on classes are great for cooks at any skill level. Not only do you get to learn a new skill, you get to eat your tasty creation. That French Place is a fun place to visit, enjoy the warm and welcoming atmosphere, and learn new cooking skills. These classes come highly recommended!

2. Art Classes
The Charlevoix Circle of Arts is hosting hands on art classes. Participants can learn or improve their knitting skills, try out the basics of monkuhanga, create precious metal jewelry, and participate in an actor’s workshop. Small class sizes ensure that students get one-on-one instruction.

3. Paints and Sips
Charlevoix, Boyne City, and East Jordan each offer some variation of this fun activity. Enjoy an evening of beer or wine and painting with friends and family. The following locations offer paint and sip classes: Elements, Not Too Shabby, Stiggs Brewery Company, and 7 Monks Tap Room Boyne City.



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